Writing Skills

Supporting Your Ideas: Effective Techniques for Developing Supporting Details Part 1


As a DSE student, it’s essential to develop effective supporting details to write persuasive and engaging essays. Supporting details are the evidence or examples that help to reinforce and clarify your main ideas. In this essay, we will discuss seven effective techniques for developing supporting details that will help you write more compelling essays.

The first technique is using specific examples.  Using specific examples to support your main idea is a powerful way to provide evidence and persuade your reader. For instance, if you’re writing about the benefits of Yoga, you might provide specific examples “Yoga can help increase flexibility, build strength, and reduce stress. For instance, practising the downward-facing dog pose can help stretch the hamstrings, improve circulation, and calm the mind.

The second technique is using anecdotes. Anecdotes are short stories or personal experiences that illustrate your main idea. They can be very effective in engaging your reader and making your writing more relatable. For example, if you’re writing about the importance of time management, you might provide an example like “John discovered an old kindergarten class photo and found out that his wife was sitting next to him in the picture. Despite not noticing her at the time and never speaking to her after graduation, fate brought them together years later and they fell in love.

The third technique is using statistics. Statistics can be a powerful way to support your main idea and make a convincing argument. For instance, if you’re writing about the impact of smoking on health, you might provide statistics on the prevalence of health issues about  smoking on health, you might write an example like “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking can increase the risk of lung cancer by up to 25 times and can also lead to heart disease, stroke, and respiratory problems.”

The fourth technique is using quotations. Using relevant quotations from experts, authors, or other credible sources can be a powerful way to support your main idea and add credibility to your writing. For example, if you’re writing about the importance of reading, you might write “Elon Musk once said, ‘The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.’ This quote emphasises the importance of reading for personal growth and development.”

The fifth technique is using facts and figures. Facts and figures can provide concrete evidence to support your main idea. For instance, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you might provide facts and figures about the benefits of drinking water like “Drinking water can help improve physical performance, aid digestion, and boost brain function. For example, research shows that dehydration can lead to impaired cognitive function, decreased mood, and fatigue.”

The sixth technique is using analogies. Analogies are comparisons between two things that are similar in some way. They can be a useful tool for explaining complex ideas or making your writing more engaging. For example, if you’re writing about the importance of teamwork, you might use an analogy comparing a successful sports team to a well-functioning workplace team. For example, “Just as a puzzle cannot be completed without all of its pieces, a team cannot function effectively without each member contributing their unique skills and strengths.”

The seventh technique is using metaphors. Metaphors are a figure of speech that compares two things that are not alike to make a point or explain something in a more creative and interesting way. They can be used to provide vivid and descriptive details that help the reader understand the main idea. For instance, if the main idea is to suggest ways to overcome challenges, you could use an example ”Her smile was a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. It helps to overcome all the obstacles.

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