Writing Skills

“Mastering Writing Skills for DSE Students: A Comprehensive Guide”

As a DSE student, you are expected to demonstrate advanced writing skills in your assignments and exams. To excel in writing, it is crucial to understand the key elements of a well-structured and coherent essay. In this essay, we will discuss topic sentences, supporting details, coherence, controlling ideas, and last sentence functions, and how they contribute to effective writing. Let’s start with writing ideas.

A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph that summarizes the main idea or argument of the paragraph. It acts as a roadmap for the rest of the paragraph, guiding the reader on what to expect. For example, consider the following topic sentence: “Global warming is a pressing issue that has a significant impact on the environment and human lives.” This sentence clearly sets the stage for the rest of the paragraph, which will delve into the effects of global warming and its impact on the environment and human lives. In order to make the main idea more persuasive, we need to provide more evidence to achieve this result.

Supporting details are crucial to developing and strengthening the argument presented in the topic sentence. They provide concrete and specific information to support the topic sentence and give the reader a better understanding of the argument. For example, in the global warming paragraph, the following supporting details could be used: “Rising sea levels, increased frequency of natural disasters, and loss of biodiversity are some of the devastating effects of global warming.” These details provide evidence to support the topic sentence and give the reader a better understanding of the issue. It’s essential to notice that all provided details must be related to a subject.

Coherence is essential in making sure the ideas and arguments in the paragraph are logical and seamless. It helps the reader to understand the connections between the ideas and arguments presented in the paragraph. Consider the following example of coherence: “The increase in carbon emissions from human activities is the leading cause of global warming. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to the rise in temperatures.” In this example, the connection between the increase in carbon emissions and the burning of fossil fuels is clear and easy for the reader to understand. To further achieve this, one should carry a clear direction throughout the paragraph. 

A controlling idea is the central concept or argument that runs through the essay. The same controlling idea should connect all the paragraphs. It helps to unify the essay and gives it a clear focus. For example, in the global warming essay, the controlling idea could be “The need for immediate action to mitigate the effects of global warming is paramount to ensure a sustainable future for future generations.” This controlling idea gives the essay a clear focus and helps the reader understand the purpose of the essay. Besides, a clear indication of the paragraph development should also be necessary.

One of the functions the last sentence of a paragraph serves as giving indication of the upcoming paragraph. It could be used to connect the next paragraph, summarize the main idea, or make a transition to the next topic. For example, the following last sentence could be used in the global warming paragraph: “In conclusion, the evidence of global warming is irrefutable and calls for immediate action.” This last sentence summarizes the main idea of the paragraph and sets the stage for the next paragraph, which will discuss possible solutions to mitigate the effects of global warming.

In conclusion, mastering these writing skills is essential for effective communication of ideas and arguments in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner. Always remember to proofread your work and seek feedback from your teacher or peers to continuously improve your writing skills. Good luck!

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