WWOO 01 01

Stanley WMEA

Day 1: Q1
Day 2: Q1-2
Day 3: Q1-3
Day 4: Q1-4
Day 5-7: Q1-5

Q1 Dorothy lives in a small gray house in Kansas.

Q2 Everything in Kansas is gray.

Q3 Cyclones are very strong winds.

Q4 We must go to the cellar!

Q5 Toto is afraid.

Tell a story

Dorothy lives in Kansas with her family and dog Toto. Kansas is a place with no trees or flowers and has strong winds called cyclones. One day, Uncle Henry says a cyclone is coming and they must go to the cellar for safety. Aunt Em tells them to hurry to the cellar. Toto runs away, so Dorothy goes after him, but Aunt Em says to leave Toto and go to the basement.

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