AAS Ch 8 Part 1

Stanley WMEA

Day 1: Q1
Day 2: Q1-2
Day 3: Q1-3
Day 4: Q1-4
Day 5-7: Q1-5

Q1 I remembered when he took off his face.

Q2 After school, I went with Dana to her house.

Q3 When Dana and arrived at her house, there was no one there.

Q4 I hope Matt didn’t take the key with him!

Q5 I heard her open many drawers.

Tell A Story

Jenny remembered a strange encounter with Mr Adam who had a bald, green head and red eyes. She felt scared and shivered.

After school, Jenny went to her friend Dana’s house. They were worried that Dana’s brother had taken the key with him. They searched for the key and luckily found it.

Excitedly, they planned to go back to school with the key.

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