AAS 06 07

Stanley WMEA

Day 1: Q1
Day 2: Q1-2
Day 3: Q1-3
Day 4: Q1-4
Day 5-7: Q1-5

Q1 I had a small problem with an old math teacher.

Q2 The spaceship must come this Friday.

Q3 You must have the two students to take to Mitrax.

Q4 The intergalactic doors close on Friday, at midnight.

Q5 Then I’ll take them to the science lab.

Tell A Story

The alien on the screen reminded Mr Adam not to fail the mission. They planned to kidnap two students to Mitrax. The intergalactic doors close on Friday at midnight. Mr Adam plans to capture the students during a family-teachers’ meeting. Jenny was angry about what she heard.

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