AAS 05 06

Stanley WMEA

Day 1: Q1
Day 2: Q1-2
Day 3: Q1-3
Day 4: Q1-4
Day 5-7: Q1-5

Q1 I tried some coloured contact lenses.

Q2 I thought that a new look could make me feel better.

Q3 I probably appeared very strange to you.

Q4 We were ashamed for being so inconsiderate.

Q5 We don’t know how to thank you for your hospitality and kindness.

Tell A Story

Jenny asked about Mr. Stone’s amber eyes. Mr Stone wore the colored eyes for a change. He appeared strange to someone in the park one morning while he was actually exercising. Jenny and Paul felt bad for being rude and apologized. Mr. Stone forgave and invited them to visit again.

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