AAS 05 04

Stanley WMEA

Day 1: Q1
Day 2: Q1-2
Day 3: Q1-3
Day 4: Q1-4
Day 5-7: Q1-5

Q1 These warts are the results of a throat tumour.

Q2 I started smoking as a teenager.

Q3 Chemotherapy made me lose all of my hair.

Q4 Unfortunately, the tumour destroyed my vocal chords.

Q5 The tumour has caused very serious changes in my life.

Tell A Story

Paul asked about warts. Warts were a throat problem from smoking. Mr. Stone had chemo, lost hair, and got warts. The throat problem also took Mr. Stone’s voice, so he used a special voice now. The problem made Mr. Stone sad and he moved to a new place to be happy.

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