2022 Drama: Meta Beauty & the Beast


演出: 20226 English day





Meta Beauty & the Beast

The First Play – The Wild-Caught Beast

Meta Beauty & the Beast

The First Play – The Wild-Caught Beast

(Music: Star Wars opening crawl)

01 Narrator A: (Grace 3B7) Not a long time ago in another universe far, far away…. there was a beautiful planet. At a beautiful place called Neverland on the planet, there were two families, the Beautys & the Prettys.

02 Narrator B: (Hazel 3A13) The two families were very good friends. The brothers of two families loved hunting together. All of them aimed to catch the legendary beast for their sisters.

03 Narrator C: (C1 Hayden 1A17)The beast they targeted was once a handsome prince. (C2 Hebe 1A 6) However, he was cursed by the Wicked Witch of the West and therefore became an ugly beast. (C3 YoYo1A5) Only true love could break the spell.

04 Narrator D:  (D1 Carson 2B27) The beast hid in a forest in Neverland. (D2 Hailey 1A23) One sunny day, the beast was found and captured by the brothers of the two families.

05 Beast: (Alfred 3A28) Let me out or I will swallow all of you when I am free again. (roaring angrily)

06 Handsome (Beauty’s brother): (Calton 2A22) Now, Smart, tie it up. My sister Beauty must like this gift.

07 Smart (Pretty’s brother): (Jack 2E5) No, no, no… The beast must be the gift of my sister Pretty.

08 Handsome: (Calton 2A22) What are you thinking?? I am the one who set up the trap and now the Beast has fallen into my trap so it should be mine.

09 Smart: (Jack 2E5) But I am the one who has the idea of setting up the trap. The Beast should be mine.

10 Narrator D: (D3 Crystal 3B27) While the brothers of the two families were arguing, their friend Meter Pan tried pouring the oil on troubled waters.

11 Meter: (Bevis 2E23) I have a suggestion. We could bring the beast to the wise old man in Neverland. He could always get the best answer to all problems.

12 Smart: (Jack 2E5) That’s a good idea! I will bring my sister there.

13 Handsome: (Calton 2A22) Okay, my sister will also be there too.

Meta Beauty & the Beast

The Second Play – The Wise Old Man’s Judgment

Music: Mission Impossible theme song)

01 Narrator E: (E1 Jayden 1B5) Beauty, Pretty, Handsome, Smart, and their sisters and friends carried the Beast and came to a very big palace where the wise old man lived. (E2 Jason 1B7) They all knelt to this respectful man and told him their problem.

02 Everyone: The great Solomon! We wish you long happiness.

(Beauty’s family stands at one side while Pretty’s family stands at the other with their common friends standing in the middle)

03 Solomon: (Matthew 3A17) What brings all of you here?

04 Rosalind (Pretty’s sister): (Felice 2A21) Oh Solomon the greatest! We come to you for justice!

05 Hortensia (Beauty’s sister): (Yulia 2B26) Our Honor, my brother Handsome caught the Beast in the forest with a trap he made.

06 Pretty: (Charlotte 3B5) Our Honor, it’s my brother Smart who suggested the idea of setting up a trap.

07 Solomon: (Matthew 3A17) So, what’s the problem?

08 Meter Pan: (Bevis 2E23) Now both young men believe that the Beast belongs to them.

(Solomon nods his head and turn his attention to Smart and Handsome)

09 Lion Man: (Tiga 2B29) Our Honor, both young men want to give the Beast to their sisters. With true love, the spell will break and the bewitched Beast will transform back into a prince. Then their sisters could marry him.

10 Handsome: (Calton 2A22) Our Honor, you are the wisest man in Neverland. Please let my sister have the Beast.

11 Smart: (Jack 2E5) No, our Honor, the wisest man in Neverland. With your wisdom, please allow my sister to have the Beast.

(Solomon thinks a while and says)

12 Solomon: (Matthew 3A17) Hmm… As both of you said that the Beast should belong to your sisters. Now will someone bring me a sword? 

Meta Beauty & the Beast

The Final Play – A Permanent Spell

(Music: A Whole New World Aladdin)

01 Narrator F: (Venus 1A3) Solomon held the sword and approached the Beast.

02 Solomon: (Matthew 3A17) I will divide the Beast in two. Give half to Pretty, and half to Beauty.

03 Everyone: Yeah! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!

04 Pretty:  (Charlotte 3B5) That’s great! I want the upper half.

05 Hortensia: (Yulia 2B26) I want its arms too.

06 Rosalind: (Felice 2A21) Can I have his legs?

(Beauty bursts into tears)

07 Beauty: (Beauty 3B14) No, my Honor! No! Please, give the living Beast to Pretty. Please, let him live.

08 Narrator G: (Ginnie 1C21) Solomon lowered the sword and approached Beauty.

09 Solomon: (Matthew 3A17) By no means kill the Beast, she is the true love of the Beast. Now, the curse is lifted and the Beast should soon transform back into a handsome prince.

10 Narrator I: (Mark 1D24) However, nothing has happened after a long while. Then Solomon asked someone to capture the Wicked Witch of the West.

11 Solomon: (Matthew 3A17) We give you a chance to break the spell or you will be in prison forever.

12 Wicked Witch of the West: (Hana 2C6) As the last petal of the Enchanted Rose has fallen, the spell becomes permanent. I could not do anything.

13 Everyone: (gasp… and whispering each other)

14 Beast: (Alfred 3A28) Everyone of you should be happy now! I am now a real beast! Release me or I will swallow you!

15 Beauty: (Holiday 3B14) Don’t be sad, the Beast! I know you were a good prince. If you could not transform back into a prince, please turn me into a beast too so we could be together.

16 Everyone: (wow… and whispering each other)

17 Wicked Witch of the West: (Hana 2C6) Okay, your wish is my command.

18 Narrator I: (Mark 1D24) The Wicked Witch of the West put a spell on Beauty.

19 Narrator J: (Jimmy 2D19) Beauty transformed into a beast too and got married to the Beast.

20 Narrator K: (Thetis 2E21) Afterwards, they lived together happily and that’s the end of the story.

21 Everyone: Hope you all enjoy the show. Thank you!

(Ending Music: Beauty and the Beast theme song)



12月份,聆聽故事 ( 美女與野獸原故事)

1月份考試完結後 (逢星期一至五)

   -WhastApp錄音練習 (1月11-19)

   -WhatsApp錄音、錄影練習(1月20 – 2月14)

14/12 (13:00-13:30)

11/1 , 18/1 , 25/1 星期二 (13:00-13:30)

13/1 , 20/1 , 27/1 星期四 (13:00-13:30)

8/2 星期二(10:00-12:00) 

9/2 星期三 (10:00-12:00)

10/2 星期四 (13:00-13:30)

14/2 星期一 (13:00-15:00)




用WhatsApp朗讀以下句子並錄音傳送到 56254556 (點擊號碼即可)

A rich man lives in a big city near the sea. He has got three daughters and three sons. One daughter is called ‘Beauty’ because she is very beautiful. The other two daughters are called Rosalind and Hortensia. They are lazy and unfriendly. They like going out and having fun. They both want to find a rich husband. They do not like Beauty because she is beautiful.

-前星島日報Junior  Standard 兒童故事Grammar Hero 主編

-WMEA YouTube channel創辦人



WhatsApp 56254556

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